Improve WP eCommerce checkout experience

Many stores see most of their customers coming from a single country. Most of my clients are selling items to US customers.

Something that’s always been a bit of a tiring issue for us has been that you can’t set the default country for Billing and Shipping at checkout. We can save most of our customers at least one click if we default the checkout process to have the country US selected.

Luckily Justin Sainton over at Zao provided the code needed to make that happen.

A second improvement is deals with the fact that most customers are using the same billing and shipping addresses. Why do we force users to check this box when we can automatically check it for them.

This second chunk of code will default the ‘Shipping same as Billing’ checkbox to checked so that users don’t have to do it.

With these 2 pieces of code in place you can save your customers time in the checkout process. Saving users time and clicks is almost always a path towards making more sales.